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About Us

French with Jeré is the French language-learning website for travelers! If you’re anything like me, you have this untamable wanderlust and like to meet and interact with locals when you travel. When we don’t speak their language, this can mean a missed opportunity, discomfort, and sometimes even embarrassment.


I am Jeré, a Francophile who takes great pleasure in learning about, traveling to, and discovering the francophone world – those 40+ countries and territories where French is an official language and many others where French is a major language.


.A French language teacher with 15 years’ experience teaching the language, I am keenly cognizant of the challenges English speakers face when traveling in the francophone world. My team is also composed of native French speakers from France, Francophone Africa, Québec and the French Caribbean.


A culturally rich curriculum that integrates the history, people, customs and the traditions of all of the francophone world, French with Jeré is for those who never want to miss out because of a language barrier.

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